PM Kisan Amount Credit Status Check Online

PM Kisan Amount Credit Status Check : First of all, I welcome all of you farmer brothers. In this new article of mine which I have made for you and you already know that there are many farmers who are still blessed with the question of when will we get the payment and how can we check our status after the payment comes.

There is only one purpose of making this article today. I hope that all the farmer brothers benefit from this article. Especially those farmer brothers who do not even know how to check their amount credit status online.

In this article you will get all the information related to PM Kisan Amount Credit Status Check Online, so farmer brothers you don’t have need to visit any other portal, this article is enough for you read it completely.

Amount Credit Status Check Overview

When the government releases the installments of PM Kisan Yojana and transfers them to the farmers’ Bank Accounts, then a farmer faces the problem of how to check his status. How do we check the beneficiary status? Has the installment money come to our Bank account or not?

TopicPM Kisan Amount Credit Status
Aim Financial Support
Total Amount6,000

PM Kisan 18th Installment Money not Credited

Here, I want to give this information to everyone. You must be knowing that the 17th installment has been released and now the farmers are waiting for 18th installment. The installments of PM Kisan Yojana from 18th Kist are also pending and for that if you want to get your18th installment money on time then you should then I will tell you three thing. Here you have to do three things quickly for this. What are those three things?

  1. One is to do your eKYCfor 18th installment.
  2. Second is to give the report of land seeding
  3. The third thing is the link your correct Bank Account.

Amount Credit Status Check 2024 Online

In this section, I will tell you how you can check the amount that you get through PM Kisan Yojana. I will tell you how you can check the pm kisan amount credit status of the installment in this section:

  1. Farmers, first of all you have to visit the official website of PM Kisan yojana.
  2. After visiting you will land on the Home Page then you have to scroll this page.
  3. Now you will see ” Farmers Corner” on the right side of the same page.
  4. Below the Farmers Corner, you will find Beneficiary Status in the Box.
  5. Click on the “Beneficiary Status” now.
  6. A new Page Will be displayed, on this page you see three Options Aadhaar Number, Mobile Number & Account Number.
  7. Now you can check your Amount Credit Status by all of the three Options given above.
  8. If you want to check your status by Aadhaar No. then you have to write your Aadhaar Number in the below box of the same page or by Mobile Number or by Account Number.
  9. After Entering one among the three Options a new page will open which contains all the information of your status.

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